Random Serial Number

I want to have a random serial created on my website everytime someone visits.

  1. Random Serial Number Java
  2. Random Serial Number Generator
  3. Random Serial Number Meaning

The format of the serial should be XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.

The random numbers or letters will be the random sample set. For Sample Size enter the value for the number of samples you need. For the Sample Range enter the range of values to randomly choose from. For example, to choose from 1 to 100 enter 1-100; to choose from a through m enter a-m or A-M. If the sample size is greater than the sample.

  1. Random String Generator This form allows you to generate random text strings. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs.
  2. Free Online Serial Number Generator, for make sequence numbers or software Serial Numbers.
  3. The second example creates a formula that generates a random number between 1 and 10 or 1 and 100. The third example generates a random integer between 1 and 10 using the TRUNC function. The last example uses the ROUND function to reduce the number of decimal places for random numbers.
  4. To generate a random number string in Excel, simply use a formula like this: =RANDBETWEEN(0,9) This will randomly display a number between 0 and 9 each time the page is refreshed.
  5. Random Number Generator. Use this generator to generate a trully random, cryptographically safe number. It generates random numbers that can be used where unbiased results are critical, such as when shuffling a deck of cards for a poker game or drawing numbers for a lottery, giveaway or sweepstake.

X represents a random number or capital letter.
Unfortunately I have no idea how to do this. Could anybody please help me out?

Random Serial Number Java

So for example the random serial output could be: 3WT4A-NB34O-JU87P-B3UHS
Thanks a lot!

Kid DiamondKid Diamond

7 Answers

There are most certainly better ways of doing it, but this is the first that jumps to mind:

05/26/13 Edit: It's advised to keep the Count function outside of the loop. The reason for this is that you don't want to expend the extra clock cycles running this function through each iteration when you can simply run it once.


Another approach is to calculate the four segments as random numbers in base 36.


The most straightforward solution would be something like this.

Sample output:


There's a bunch of ways to approach this. One simple one is:

There are better ways to generate random strings then this but this would give you the basic functionality you're looking for.

John CondeJohn Conde
Moyed AnsariMoyed Ansari

If you want to use this serial just because of uniqueness - you could also try to use UUID v4, as described in one of answers here: PHP function to generate v4 UUID


There a lot of such answers at SO: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4356295/1091195

You can use the random string generator mentioned there, either you use it once to get a 20 letter string then insert dashes, or you can call it 4 times for 5 letter and concat the results.

Random serial number generator

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Random serial dictatorship (RSD),[1] also called: random priority (RP),[2] is a procedure for dividing indivisible items fairly among people.

Random Serial Number Generator

Suppose n{displaystyle n} partners have to divide n{displaystyle n} (or fewer) different items among them. Since the items are indivisible, some partners will necessarily get the less-preferred items (or no items at all). RSD attempts to insert fairness into this situation in the following way. Draw a random permutation of the agents from the uniform distribution. Then, let them successively choose an object in that order (so the first agent in the ordering gets first pick and so on).



RSD is fair, at least in the sense of equal treatment of equals, since each agent has the same chance to appear in each position in the ordering.

RSD is a truthful mechanism when the number of items is at most the number of agents, since you only have one opportunity to pick an item, and the obviously-dominant strategy in this opportunity is just to pick the best available item.

However, RSD is not Pareto efficient when the agents have Von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities over random allocations (lotteries over objects).In fact, there exists no mechanism that satisfies symmetry, truthfulness and Pareto efficiency.[3]

Random Serial Number Meaning

As an example, suppose there are three agents, three items and the VNM utilities are:

Item xItem yItem z

RSD gives a 1/3 chance of every object to each agent (because their preferences over sure objects coincide), and a profile of expected utility vector (0.6, 0.4, 0.4). But assigning item y toAlice for sure and items x,z randomly between Bob and Carl yields the expected utility vector (0.8, 0.5, 0.5). So the original utility vector is not Pareto efficient.[2]

In fact, when the rankings of the agents over the objects are drawn uniformly at random, the probability that the allocation given by RSD is Pareto efficient approaches zero as the number of agents grows.[4]


RSD can also be defined for the more general setting in which the group has to select a single alternative from a set of alternatives. In this setting, RSD works as follows: First, randomly permute the agents. Starting with the set of all alternatives, ask each agent in the order of the permutation to choose his favorite alternative(s) among the remaining alternatives. If more than one alternative remains after taking the preferences of all agents into account, RSD uniformly randomizes over those alternatives. In the item division setting mentioned earlier, the alternatives correspond to the allocations of items to agents. Each agent has large equivalence classes in his preference, since he is indifferent between all the allocations in which he gets the same item.

In this general setting, if all agents have strict preferences over the alternatives, then RSD reduces to drawing a random agent and choosing the alternative that the agent likes best. This procedure is known as random dictatorship (RD), and is the unique procedure that is efficient and strategyproof when preferences are strict.[5] When agents can have weak preferences, however, no procedure that extends RD (which includes RSD) satisfies both efficiency and strategyproofness.[6]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Abdulkadiroglu, Atila; Sonmez, Tayfun (1998). 'Random Serial Dictatorship and the Core from Random Endowments in House Allocation Problems'. Econometrica. 66 (3): 689. doi:10.2307/2998580. JSTOR2998580.
  2. ^ abBogomolnaia, Anna; Moulin, Hervé (2001). 'A New Solution to the Random Assignment Problem'. Journal of Economic Theory. 100 (2): 295. doi:10.1006/jeth.2000.2710.
  3. ^Zhou, Lin (1990). 'On a conjecture by gale about one-sided matching problems'. Journal of Economic Theory. 52: 123. doi:10.1016/0022-0531(90)90070-Z.
  4. ^Manea, Mihai (2009). 'Asymptotic ordinal inefficiency of random serial dictatorship'. Theoretical Economics. 4 (2): 165–197.
  5. ^Gibbard, Allan (1977). 'Manipulation of schemes that mix voting with chance'. Econometrica. 45 (3): 665–681.
  6. ^Brandl, Florian; Brandt, Felix; Suksompong, Warut (2016). 'The impossibility of extending random dictatorship to weak preferences'. Economics Letters. 141: 44–47. arXiv:1510.07424. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2016.01.028.
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