How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015

  1. How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Free
  2. How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Crack
  3. How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Product
  4. How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 64
  5. How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Download
  6. How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Crack

Installing Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 8.1. As all prior versions were sold separately. Visual Studio 1997 included Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Visual J++ 1.1, and InterDev. A companion CD also included the MSDN library. It is *clearly* stated on the VS download pages you need TFS for certain versions and TFS itself has. This is the download for KB3095681 to fix no images being displayed in Visual Studio 2015. This is the download for KB3095681 to fix no images being displayed in Visual Studio 2015. Skip to main content. Update to fix no images in Visual Studio 2015 from Official Microsoft Download Center. New Surface Pro 6. Stand out from the. Additionally you can always provide feedback below, through the Send a Smile feature in Visual Studio (if you do this please include a performance trace of your problem: VS 2013 instructions, VS 2015 instructions), and in our MSDN forum. Why does it take so overly long to install visual studio and why does it need a restart? How much time it will take to install Visual studio 2015 on windows 10? How much internet data will it take to download visual studio community 2015? Why does it take so overly long to install visual studio and why does it need a restart? How much time it will take to install Visual studio 2015 on windows 10? How much internet data will it take to download visual studio community 2015? When you find the program Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015, click it, and then do one of the following: Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall. Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program). Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015.

We have a really big solution with more than 200 projects and thousands of files. Despite of that the solution used to load pretty quickly in Visual Studio 2010 as well as 2012. However, after copying the whole SVN repository to another location, loading and closing the solution suddenly took extreeeemly long. (I am talking about 30-60 minutes here!)


8 Answers

How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Free

I found a solution myself and I wanted to share it here, hoping that it might save someone quite a few hours of research and staring at the 'Preparing solution...' dialog.

When inspecting the devenv.exe process with Process Monitor, I found out that it is pretty busy with accessing the .svn directory. Here is what I did (and this somehow solved the problem):

  1. Kill Visual Studio
  2. Open Visual Studio without loading a solution
  3. Disable AnkhSvn as Source Control plugin (Tools->Options->Source Control->Plug-in Selection->None)
  4. Disable 'Document Well 2010 Plus' (VS2010) or 'Custom Document Well' (VS2012) in Productivity Power Tools (Tools->Options->Productivity Power Tools) - I read that somewhere and it might have helped as well...
  5. Close Visual Studio
  6. Delete the solution's *.suo file. This is located in the same folder as the solution itself. NOTE: You will lose several settings for your solution, like currently opened files, breakpoints, bookmarks, current solution configuration & platform (e.g. Debug x86) etc.
  7. Restart Visual Studio
  8. Load the solution - it was much faster now!
  9. Close Visual Studio
  10. Open Visual Studio without loading a solution
  11. Re-enable AnkhSvn and the 'Document Well'
  12. Restart Visual Studio
  13. Open the solution - it was still loaded in seconds!

I do not know which of these steps actually solved the problem. Probably, not all these steps are required, but I did not want to reproduce the problem to find out which steps may be omitted. :)


None of those helped me, what I did... I watch with ProcMon of sysinternals, filtering for devenv, and I saw a lot of entries of fussionlog. I had enabled fussionlog for debugging purposes some weeks before and didn't think in disabling it. I just had to disable fussionlog and the solution opened faster.


You can open the Visual Studio in the Safe Mode, and then check your plugin and source control settings after opening the project.Safe Mode means 'Starts Visual Studio, loading only the default environment and services.'

How :

Or according to your path

source :

Tarek El-MallahTarek El-Mallah

fwiw, I realize this is a late entry, but I found that simply removing (deleting) my large number of breakpoints resolved the excessive load time and compile time. This action reduced the size of the .suo file from 214MB to 977KB. Let VS handle the .suo file itself. Compiling and loading now takes < 1 minute instead of 5-10 minutes for a solution with 35 projects. Visual Studio 2012 Pro, update 4.


In my case, the following worked without any of the intervening steps suggested:

  1. Kill Visual Studio.
  2. Start Visual Studio directly (i.e., not from the .sln file).
  3. Then, from within Visual Studio, open the solution.

In my case this was all it took to make the problem solution load quite quickly, without the need for me to change any settings or delete any files.

Reg EditReg Edit

I tried the above, but it didn't solve my problem.

Here's how I got around this problem, hopefully it will work for some of you as well:

  1. Open Visual Studio 2013 with no solution.
  2. Create a new C# Console application and save it.
  3. Close Visual Studio.
  4. Reopen the Console solution created in step 2.
  5. Close Visual Studio.
  6. Reopen the solution that was previously hanging on the Preparing Solution dialogue. Mine opened right away, no more hanging.
Yves RochonYves Rochon

None of the other answers worked for me. CI compile times were fine, but loading my solution in Visual Studio was taking almost two minutes. VS would then operate just fine until I closed and opened the solution the next time. Different versions of VS all showed the same problem and both safe mode and deleting the suo didn't help.

I ended up following the advice in to use Windows Performance Recorder to instrument VS and find the problem. By looking in Windows Performance Analyzer under the 'CPU Usage (Sampled)' section and adding the 'Stack (Frame Tags)' column, I was able to dig into the usage of devenv.exe.

Turns out the hot path by count had 23 calls down, and below that eventually Microsoft.VisualStudio.ServerExplorer.dll and Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Package.dll. That pointed me to look in Server Explorer in the UI and open the Data Connections tab. There I found hundreds of mistakenly added connections that came from the debug web.config's ConnectionString section. Removing those from web.config reduced the load of that individual project from 90+ seconds to almost instant.

Jeremy MurrayJeremy Murray

Using Visual Studio 2015, I ended up creating a new solution, adding the existing projects.

Deleting the *.suo from gehho's answer helped in the past, but didn't help me in this case. There's also another .suo file in a hidden .vs folder at the root of the solution.

There are other answers here for Visual Studio 2015 Visual Studio 2015 is extremely slow


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Posted by3 years ago

Why does it take soo long ( 6+ hrs ! ) to set up / repair Visual Studio?

Unlike other IDE's (like Android Studio) Visual Studio takes huge amount of time to install or repair.

When I installed Visual Studio for the first time, it took me around 6+ hours to complete installation ( along with the additional download of Windows Mobile Emulator ~ 1.5GB, only to have failed it's installation probably because I don't have Pro version of OS ).

How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Crack

How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015

And now here I'm trying to uninstall / repair VS2015 and it takes incredibly huge amount of time.

How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Product

Laptop specs are: 4GB RAM and intel i3 processor

How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 64

When checking out on Task Manager, it is using only very low amount of CPU and memory!

How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Download

Setting up VS is so frustrating . Am I doing something wrong? How long does it take for you to complete VS installation?

How Long Does It Take To Download Visual Studio 2015 Crack

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